Updated: August 14, 2024


Is Chainloop Platform (SaaS) production ready?

The Chainloop Platform is already in production use by our users and design partners. We are currently in the private early access phase and anticipate reaching Chainloop Open Source 1.0 and Chainloop Platform General Availability in the first quarter of 2025.

Pricing. how much does it cost?

Chainloop Platform is currently available as part of the Design Partner Program, with an annual fee for access to our proprietary code, engineering team, and white-glove process.

Please reach out to learn more: [email protected] and learn more at Design Partner Program

Design Partner Program

Key Benefits

What is expected from partners?

How do the other stakeholders (CISO, security) interact with Chainloop?

We are currently building new features to provide security and compliance teams with a single-pane overview of security and compliance across the organization. Currently, we are adding two features:

Policy Support, Frameworks, and Chainloop Policy Library

Compliance and Security Dashboard

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Open Source

Transparency is key. Our core component, the Chainloop Evidence Store, is open source. This not only allows the community to review our code but also invites them to contribute, enhancing our security posture through collective scrutiny and collaboration.